Child malnutrition in Sri Lanka and its Providing solutions – Concurrent Programs 04 of 05

Strengthening Water and Sanitation Infrastructure to Address Child Malnutrition in Sri Lanka

Water and Sanitation

Executive Summary:

Child malnutrition is a important hassle in Sri Lanka, with spherical 17% of kids underneath five years of age affected by acute malnutrition. Malnutrition is related to horrible sanitation and hygiene practices, which growth the threat of diarrheal illnesses and one-of-a-kind infections. Inadequate access to steady consuming water, lousy sanitation centers, and fallacious hygiene practices are key elements contributing to the immoderate incidence of malnutrition amongst kids in Sri Lanka. To cope with this trouble, we suggest a undertaking to bolster water and sanitation infrastructure in decided on communities in Sri Lanka, with the cause of enhancing get right of access to to steady water and sanitation, and hygiene practices, and in the end reducing the superiority of infant malnutrition.

Project Description:

The proposed assignment dreams to decorate get admission to to solid water and sanitation, and hygiene practices in decided on groups in Sri Lanka, with a focal point on areas with excessive levels of infant malnutrition. The challenge will involve the subsequent sports activities:

Water deliver infrastructure: The project will include the set up and rehabilitation of water deliver systems, together with the improvement of new wells, water storage tanks, and distribution networks. This will offer agencies with a reliable supply of stable ingesting water.

Sanitation facilities: The mission may additionally even consist of the construction and rehabilitation of sanitation centers, which include lavatories, hand washing stations, and waste control systems. These centers will beautify hygiene practices and reduce the risk of diarrheal illnesses and different infections.

Community engagement: The assignment will contain community engagement sports, which incorporates hygiene training and popularity-raising campaigns, to sell appropriate hygiene practices and growth network involvement inside the mission.

Expected Outcomes:

The proposed assignment is predicted to have the following outcomes:

Increased get entry to to safe water: The installation of water deliver infrastructure will provide businesses with a dependable deliver of secure ingesting water.

Improved sanitation facilities: The manufacturing and rehabilitation of sanitation facilities will enhance hygiene practices and decrease the risk of diarrheal ailments and exclusive infections.

Increased reputation of appropriate hygiene practices: Community engagement activities will promote right hygiene practices and boom community involvement in the assignment.

Reduction in infant malnutrition: Improved get right of get admission to to to stable water and sanitation centers, and extended attention of actual hygiene practices, is anticipated to result in a discount in the prevalence of toddler malnutrition.


The proposed rate variety for the challenge is as follows:

Water deliver infrastructure: $30,000
Sanitation facilities: $forty,000
Community engagement sports: $eight,000
Monitoring and assessment: $five,000
Total price range: $80 3,000


The proposed challenge desires to address the problem of infant malnutrition in Sri Lanka with the resource of way of improving get right of access to to safe water and sanitation, and hygiene practices in decided on groups. The project is predicted to have a first rate effect on lowering the superiority of little one malnutrition, that could be a vital hassle in Sri Lanka. With a fee sort of $2 hundred,000, we receive as authentic with that this mission represents a price-powerful and sustainable option to the issue of infant malnutrition in Sri Lanka.

Dilanka | KDCWF Non-proifit org

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